Tandberg Data Streamer SLR140 Kit Internal Grey 6721 7151 00 Manuale Utente

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6721 7151 00
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SLR140 Features
D:\SLR140 Features for Reliability and
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Printed: 30.03.04
Having enough capacity on the backup device to store all backup data is of course also
important for keeping the backup time within the time window.
Normally a tape drive has embedded a hardware compression. There are several algorithms in
use – one more effective on certain types of data, than the other.
Data to be backed up will for most companies, be a mix of data that can be compressed from
no compression at all (1:1) to several times of compression (x:1). The tape drive should also
be able to have a linear increase of the transfer rate as the compression ratio increases.
Compression ratios of e.g. 3:1 – which is quite normal within a business - should
accommodate a three times higher transfer rate than the specified native transfer rate.
c) Compatibility and Scalability
If everything else fails – which can happen during a flood, fire or willful damage - it is
outmost important that the backup tape media can be guarantied to work in another similar
tape drive.
As trouble free restore is very important for a backup system, being able to stay with a known,
reliable technology over years becomes more important. Reliability means that the user can
feel assured that a restore operation can be performed without any problems.  This requires
that the tape technology chosen can offer a growth path in capacity, transfer rate, and
automation products that cover the growing need for the customers needs for data protection.
For many customers it is also important to be able to read older media, and also for some
customers to be able to write to data on older media formats for data transfer and software
3.  Importance of Trouble-free Backup
Performing backup every day, storing the original or a copy of the backup media in a place where the
risk is minimal for it to get lost, destroyed or stolen, is a good start.
Using a highly reliable tape drive technology and well planned routines for backup will minimize the
work and hassle when the need for restoring of data occurs.
A well planned backup routine can be one of several e.g.:
Full backup every day
The whole disk is
backed up
One or one set of backup media contains all data
at the time of full backup.  Maximum of data loss
will be one day of data input.  This is the easiest
way to restore data
Full backup once a
week, and every day
backup of only new
One or one set of backup media contains all data
at the time of full backup.  One or a smaller
number of media per day contains the new data for
each day.
The daily incremental backup takes shorter time
but restore of data can mean searching for the
media with the requested data.
Full backup once a
week, and every day
backup of new data
since the full backup
One or one set of backup media contains all data
at the time of full backup.  One or a smaller set of
media per day contains the new data since the last
full backup.
The daily differential backup takes shorter time
than the full backup. Restore of data means using
the full backup media and the latest differential
backup media.