Akai MAX49 MAX 49 Manuale Utente

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MAX 49
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  [LATCH] – This button works in conjunction with the internal Arpeggiator or the Sequencer, depending 
on which is currently selected (indicated by its LED button).  
Arpeggiator: When the Arpeggiator is on and [LATCH] has been enabled, you can hold down a 
combination of keys, and the Arpeggiator will memorize and continue to arpeggiate these notes, even 
after you lift your fingers. There are a couple of ways to use the [LATCH] function: 
  While holding down the keys, you can add more notes to the arpeggiated chord by pressing down 
additional keys. 
  If you press the keys, release them, and then press down a new combination of notes, the 
Arpeggiator will memorize and arpeggiate the new notes. 
Sequencer: When the Sequencer is on and [LATCH] has been enabled, you can press a key on the 
keyboard to trigger the Sequencer, which will keep playing once you release that key. (The Sequencer 
can only be latched in this way when its Start/Stop setting is set to Note On/Note Off. See the 
SEQUENCER part of the EDIT MODE section for more information.) 
  TOUCH FADERS – Each fader can be used to send continuous control data to a desktop audio 
workstation or external MIDI device. These faders also can also set the MIDI note or velocity of each 
step in a Sequence. An LED on the edge of each fader represents its current value/setting (the exact 
numerical value will also be displayed in the LCD). 
  S-SWITCHES – These LED buttons serve three functions:  
  Pressing one of these buttons after pressing [TIME DIV] will select the Time Division (the 
available values are printed under each button). 
  These LEDs will also light up to indicate which TOUCH FADERS are being used in the current 
  When playing a Sequence, these buttons will illuminate to indicate the steps. 
  FADER/SWITCH BANK BUTTONS – These four buttons switch the TOUCH FADERS and S-
SWITCHES between 4 available banks, with each bank representing 8 steps of a possible 32-step 
  [TIME DIV] – Press this button to change the Time Division of the Arpeggiator or Sequencer, then 
press an S-SWITCH (on the right) to select the desired Time Division. 
  [SEQ NOTE] – Press this button to put the TOUCH FADERS in Sequence Note Mode. In this mode, 
the faders' positions determine the pitch of the notes of each step of a Sequence. 
  [SEQ CC] – Press this button to put the TOUCH FADERS in Sequence CC Mode. In this mode, the 
faders' positions determine the MIDI CC of each step of a Sequence. 
  [MIDI] – Press this button to put the TOUCH FADERS in MIDI Mode. In this mode, you can use the 
faders to send MIDI CC messages. 
  [VALUE]  (Push to Enter) – This dial is used to increment and decrement Presets, parameter values 
and settings.  This dial also functions as an [ENTER] button when it is pressed down. 
  CURSOR BUTTONS – These buttons are used to navigate through the fields of menus and options.  
  [SHIFT] – Hold this button down to access the secondary functions of the four mode buttons to its right. 
  [EDIT] / [STORE] – This button calls up Edit Mode, which allows you to edit the behavior of the 
keyboard, pads, buttons, faders and default settings for each Program. Hold [SHIFT] and press this 
button to store the current Program. 
  [PROGRAM] / [STANDARD] – This button calls up Program Mode.  You can select and recall different 
Programs in this mode. Hold [SHIFT] and press this button to automatically select the last used 
  [GLOBAL] / [HUI] – This button calls up Global Mode, where MIDI reset commands and global system 
preferences are set. Hold [SHIFT] and press this button to automatically select the HUI Program. 
  [PROGRAM CHANGE] / [MACKIE CONTROL] – Pressing this button will enter Program Change 
Mode. In this mode, you can send a Program Change or Program Bank Change message to a 
hardware or software module. Hold [SHIFT] and press this button to automatically select the Mackie 
Control Program. 
  [TEMPO] – When MAX49 is set to Internal Sync, this LED button flashes to indicate the current tempo 
of the Arpeggatior and Sequencer. You can tap this button several times to set a new Tempo. If the 
Program is reloaded, the Tempo will revert to the last saved Tempo value. (Note: A Program's default 
tempo can be set in Edit Mode. Also, this button does not work when MAX49 is set to External sync.) 
  TRANSPORT CONTROL BUTTONS – These five buttons are dedicated buttons for sending transport 
control commands.  The transport control buttons can be set to transmit either MMC (MIDI Machine 
Control), MMC/MIDI SysEx, MIDI START/STOP or pre-assigned MIDI CC values. 
Note: You can press the Stop button (
„) three times in quick succession to send an "All Notes Off" 