Fujifilm X100T 16440642 Manuale Utente

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The new Classic Chrome mode replicates classic color from the film genre
The full line up of film simulation options, unique to FUJIFILM.
The value of a photographic image is not only determined by resolution or composition, expressions and feelings are also 
impor tant. Classic Chrome reproduces colors from the film genre, with rich colors reminiscent of the old reversal era. 
Beauty beyond the specification
X-TransCMOS II/EXR Processor II
Resolution equal to full-frame, plus low noise
T h e 16.3-m e g a p i xe l X-Tra ns CM OS II s e nso r c o ntro l s 
m o i r é a n d f a ke c o l o r s w i t h t h e X-Tr a n s c o l o r f i l te r i n 
which RGB pixels are randomly arranged, negating the 
need for a low-pass f ilter. The high-speed, smar t E XR 
P ro c e s s o r  I I  of fe r s  h i g h  i m a g e  q u a l i t y,  c l a s s - l e a d i n g 
A F s p e e d s, D i g i t a l S p l i t I m a g e  p ro c e s s i n g  d u r i n g  M F 
and real-time paralla x correction.
I always want high contrast, but don't want to lose details in the shadows. 
Using the new Classic Chrome film simulation mode, I can get deep colors and high contrast 
without losing details. I love this mode - it's perfect for my style of shooting. 
——— David Airob
David Airob
Country : Spain
Profile : I took my first steps in photojournalism when I was 17 
by contributing to various sports publications. 
In 1989, I started contributing to Barcelona's La Vanguardia, 
joining as a staff photographer a few months later. 
I've stayed there ever since, covering all kinds of news stories.
A l s o  i n c l u d e s  s i m u l ati o n s  s u c h  a s  M o n o c h ro m e  (±Ye / R /G  F i l te r)  a n d  S e p i a
The unique color filter arrange-
m e n t m i m i c s t h e s t r u c t u r e o f 
s i l ve r  h a l i d e  f i l m s  to  d e l i ve r  a 
resolution exceeding that of the 
sensor size. 
F11 1/250sec. ISO250 Classic Chrome
 Classic Chrome
PRO Neg. Std
PRO Neg. Hi
Color Filter
L/R Light 
Phase Detection Sensor/ 
Green Filter pixel