Archos Media Player 704 Wifi 40GB 500931 Manuale Utente

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CoNNECtING to A WIfI NEtWoRk   >   p. 30
COnneCTIng TO a wIfI neTwOrk
Your ARCHOS 704 WIFI can connect to a variety of wireless networks, thus enabling you to browse 
the Internet or share and play files from other computers.
5.1  PlayIng MedIa fIles frOM a neTwOrk
Once you set up your ARCHOS to communicate over WiFi to your home network (explained in the sections 
below), some very neat possibilities open up. You may have heard of streaming media. This is when a media 
file such as music or video is on one computer, but yet you play it on another computer without having cop-
ied it over first.  
With this ARCHOS 704 WIFI device, you can set it in your living room for example, hook it up to your home 
entertainment system with the optional DVR Station, and play movies or music stored on your desktop PC.
To do this, set your PC folders containing your music and videos to ‘shared’ by right-clicking on the folder and 
selecting ‘sharing’. Now, on your ARCHOS, open the 
 from the Home Screen and select 
If you have configured your WiFi connection properly, you should see your computer’s name appear. When 
you open this up, you will see all your shared folders.  
Just go into a folder, choose a video or audio file, and start playing it! This is especially useful when you have 
a large library of music and video and you cannot fit it all onto the internal hard drive of the ARCHOS.
Note: You may have some video files of very high quality and these require that the WiFi connection transfers 
data at a high speed. If your ARCHOS device is far away from your WiFi box, it may happen that the connection 
speed is reduced thus not allowing some video files to stream from your PC to the ARCHOS and the television.