Ideal Networks SignalTEKCable length meter, R156002 Guida Informativa

Codici prodotto
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Data Cable  
Transmission Tester
Proof of Performance
If you install or maintain data cabling, SignalTEK CT allows you to 
generate PDF test reports that prove installed links run at Gigabit Ethernet 
transmission rates.
For installers, this means having a cost-effective way to demonstrate that 
the copper cabling was installed correctly and is capable of supporting 
Ethernet applications. By proving real world performance, SignalTEK CT 
confirms a professional job - reducing the risk of call backs. 
SignalTEK CT also gives network owners the assurance that installed 
cabling will support bandwidth hungry services like VoIP, IP CCTV and 
video streaming following moves, adds and changes.
Today’s challenge
The foundation of all Ethernet networks is the physical cabling. As networks 
become faster and more complex they become more susceptible to disruption 
from external interference as well as faulty cabling and or connectors. These 
physical layer problems can cause a high number of server re-transmissions 
resulting in network drop-out or slow connection speeds.
If network performance issues are to be avoided, today’s installers and technicians 
need test equipment that not only verifies correct wiring but also confirms a link’s 
ability to transmit data at full rate. 
Tomorrow‘s solution
Uniquely SignalTEK CT proves a link’s ability to support Gigabit applications 
by performing two primary tests; 
data transmission and wiremap testing. 
With a single press of the Autotest button, SignalTEK CT transmits 823,452 data 
frames between the two handsets and reports any transmission errors against 
performance criteria laid down by the IEEE 802.3ab Gigabit Ethernet Standard. 
It takes only 1 bit of data to get corrupted or lost to give rise to a transmission  
test failure. 
Autotest also measures cable length and checks for wiring faults such as crossed 
pairs, opens, shorts and split pairs. 
Simple pass/fail results are displayed once the Autotest is complete which can be 
automatically saved for later review or download. 
Autotest from remote unit for 
one person testing
Easy transfer of test results 
using USB memory stick
Replaceable RJ45 contacts