Conrad Energy 20pcs Button Cell Battery Multipack And Battery Box 650527 Scheda Tecnica

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Conrad Electronic SE, Klaus-Conrad-Str. 1, D-92240 Hirschau
Item no.: 650527
Material Safety Data Sheet
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5. Reactivity Data
Flash point (Method used)
Flammable Limits
Not Applicable
Extnguishing Media
Special Fire Figting Procedure
Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards
6. Health Hazard Data
Route(s) of entry
Inhalation ?   YES
Skin ?  YES
Ingestion ?  YES
Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic)
These chemicals are contained in a sealed can.  Risk of exposure occurs, only if battery is mechanically or electrically
abused.  The most likely risk is acute exposure when a call vents KOH is caustic alkali and attack the skin and eyes.
Contact of electrolyte with skin and eyes should be avoided.
Cardnogenicity   NTP ?   
IARC Monographs ?  
OSHA Regulated ?  
Signs and Symptoms of exposure         
KOH can cause chemical burn upon contact with skin.
Medical Conditions
Generally aggravated by exposure
An acute exposure will not generally aggravate any medical help.
Emergency and First Aid Procedures
IN case of skin contact with content of battery, flush immediately with water.  For eye contact, flush with copious amount
of water for 10 minutes.  If imitation persists, get medical help.
7. First Aid Measures
If electrolyte leakage occurs and makes contact with skin, wash with plenty of water immediately.
If electrolyte comes into contact with eyes, wash with copious amount of water for fifteen minutes, and contact a physician.
If electrolyte vapors are inhaled, provide fresh air and seek medical attention if respiratory irritation develops. Ventilate the
contaminated area.