Oase Pondovac 4 mud vacuum cleaner 50388 50388 Scheda Tecnica

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Extended OASE Guarantee on request!
We guarantee the product for two years in ac-
cordance with the legal guarantee obligation if
all the provisions in our operating instructions
are complied with. 
We will extend this guarantee for an additional
year in the same scope on request and under
the same conditions, to a total of 3 years guar-
Please register quickly and conveniently via the
Internet within 3 months of the purchase date:
Alternatively, fill out the registration card and
send it to OASE along with a copy of your
pur chase  receipt.
Please enter the following IMPORTANT
information on the registration card:
Which OASE product have you
purchased? (Please cross out the items
that do not apply; indicate the precise
model number)
‘Pond size (approximate surface in m
approximate water volume in m
approximate deepest point in cm)
Why did you purchase the product?
(Filter system, water feature,
watercourse, waterfall, other)
Which materials did you use for pond
construction? (liner, solid shell, other)
Purchase date
Stockist name and address
By returning the registration card you declare
that you agree that OASE may confidentially
save your personal information in accordance
with the legal provisions of German data pri-
vacy legislation, and of the law governing  tele-
services, and that OASE may use this informa-
tion for internal OASE business purposes.
Forwarding your data to third parties is strictly
excluded. You can revoke your consent at any
time by sending your written revocation to the
address cited below. After receipt of your 
revocation we will no longer use your data 
for other purposes; we will only use it to 
process your guarantee.
OASE (UK) Ltd.
3 Telford Gate
Whittle Road
West Portway Industrial Estate
Hampshire SP10 3SF
Great Britain
E-Mail: enquiries@oase-livingwater.com
Internet: www.oase-livingwater.com
Extended guarantee
A copy of the purchase receipt is
required for the extended guarantee.
29614_2+1=3J.-Garantie_end:60214_2+1=3J.-Garantie_02.02  08.09.10  13:34  Seite 4