STMicroelectronics M41T81SMY6F Linear IC M41T81SMY6F Scheda Tecnica

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Clock operation
Doc ID 10773 Rev 7
Battery low warning
The M41T81S automatically performs battery voltage monitoring upon power-up and at 
factory-programmed time intervals of approximately 24 hours. The battery low (BL) bit, bit 
D4 of flags register 0Fh, will be asserted if the battery voltage is found to be less than 
approximately 2.5 V. The BL bit will remain asserted until completion of battery replacement 
and subsequent battery low monitoring tests, either during the next power-up sequence or 
the next scheduled 24-hour interval.
If a battery low is generated during a power-up sequence, this indicates that the battery is 
below approximately 2.5 volts and may not be able to maintain data integrity. Clock data 
should be considered suspect and verified as correct. A fresh battery should be installed.
If a battery low indication is generated during the 24-hour interval check, this indicates that 
the battery is near end of life. However, data is not compromised due to the fact that a 
nominal V
 is supplied. In order to insure data integrity during subsequent periods of 
battery back-up mode, the battery should be replaced.
The M41T81S only monitors the battery when a nominal V
 is applied to the device. Thus 
applications which require extensive durations in the battery backup mode should be 
powered-up periodically (at least once every few months) in order for this technique to be 
beneficial. Additionally, if a battery low is indicated, data integrity should be verified upon 
power-up via a checksum or other technique.
Oscillator fail detection
If the oscillator fail bit (OF) is internally set to '1,' this indicates that the oscillator has either 
stopped, or was stopped for some period of time and can be used to judge the validity of the 
clock and date data.
In the event the OF bit is found to be set to '1' at any time other than the initial power-up, the 
STOP bit (ST) should be written to a '1,' then immediately reset to '0.' This will restart the 
The following conditions can cause the OF bit to be set:
The first time power is applied (defaults to a '1' on power-up).
The voltage present on V
 is insufficient to support oscillation.
The ST bit is set to '1.'
External interference of the crystal.
The OF bit will remain set to '1' until written to logic '0.' The oscillator must start and have 
run for at least 4 seconds before attempting to reset the OF bit to '0.'
Oscillator fail interrupt enable
If the oscillator fail interrupt bit (OFIE) is set to a '1,' the IRQ pin will also be activated. The 
IRQ output is cleared by resetting the OFIE or OF bit to '0' (not be reading the flags register).