Helios Preisser DIGI-MET® Instrument 1726 502 Reading range(s) 12.5 mm Reading 0,001 mm Accuracy 0,005 mm 1726 502 Scheda Tecnica

Codici prodotto
1726 502
Pagina di 18
 UsbCom Standard / Professional 2.1

With the keyboard code settings you can define 2 end markers and there number. Once a measured value 
has been transferred the sequence of the End markers will be also be sent. For example, if ENTER has been 
selected, this corresponds to pressing the enter key on the keyboard (measured value is transferred and the 
position of the measured value depends upon the chosen End markers / sequence). In this way you can jump 
to any field in your form or table after a measured value has been transmitted.
In order to select the End marker click on the ENTER field and select the required character from the Pull-
Down menu.
With the decimal separator select the decimal separator according the type used in the country you are in or 
according to type used in the application.
With „keyboard code“ transfer to, the measured values of the measuring instrument are transferred into the 
actual current position of the cursor. Therefore, it is possible to transmit the measured value independently of 
the software application. Measured values can therefore be transferred into MS Access, OpenOffice or into a 
CAQ program.