Atmel SAM4S-EK2 Atmel ATSAM4S-EK2 ATSAM4S-EK2 Scheda Tecnica

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30.5.13 Parallel Capture Mode
The PIO Controller integrates an interface able to read data from a CMOS digital image sensor, a high-speed parallel
ADC, a DSP synchronous port in synchronous mode, etc.... For better understanding and to ease reading, the following
description uses an example with a CMOS digital image sensor. Description
The CMOS digital image sensor provides a sensor clock, an 8-bit data synchronous with the sensor clock, and two data
enables which are synchronous with the sensor clock too.
Figure 30-9. PIO controller connection with CMOS digital image sensor
As soon as the parallel capture mode is enabled by writing the PCEN bit at 1 in PIO_PCMR (
), the I/O lines connected to the sensor clock (PIODCCLK), the sensor data (PIODC[7:0]) and the sensor data
enable signals (PIODCEN1 and PIODCEN2) are configured automatically as INPUTS. To know which I/O lines are
associated with the sensor clock, the sensor data and the sensor data enable signals, refer to the I/O multiplexing
table(s) in the product datasheet.
Once it is enabled, the parallel capture mode samples the data at rising edge of the sensor clock and resynchronizes it
with the PIO clock domain.
The size of the data which can be read in PIO_PCRHR (
) can be
programmed thanks to the DSIZE field in PIO_PCMR. If this data size is larger than 8 bits, then the parallel capture mode
samples several sensor data to form a concatenated data of size defined by DSIZE. Then this data is stored in
PIO_PCRHR and the flag DRDY is set to 1 in PIO_PCISR (
The parallel capture mode can be associated with a reception channel of the Peripheral DMA Controller (PDC). This
enables performing reception transfer from parallel capture mode to a memory buffer without any intervention from the
CPU. Transfer status signals from PDC are available in PIO_PCISR through the flags ENDRX and RXBUFF (see 
The parallel capture mode can take into account the sensor data enable signals or not. If the bit ALWYS is set to 0 in
PIO_PCMR, the parallel capture mode samples the sensor data at the rising edge of the sensor clock only if both data
enable signals are active (at 1). If the bit ALWYS is set to 1, the parallel capture mode samples the sensor data at the
rising edge of the sensor clock whichever the data enable signals are.
The parallel capture mode can sample the sensor data only one time out of two. This is particularly useful when the user
wants only to sample the luminance Y of a CMOS digital image sensor which outputs a YUV422 data stream. If the
HALFS bit is set to 0 in PIO_PCMR, the parallel capture mode samples the sensor data in the conditions described
above. If the HALFS bit is set to 1 in PIO_PCMR, the parallel capture mode samples the sensor data in the conditions
described above, but only one time out of two. Depending on the FRSTS bit in PIO_PCMR, the sensor can either sample
PIO Controller
Parallel Capture
CMOS Digital
Image Sensor