Buffalo NAS server 6 TB LS421-6TBR LS421-6TBR LS421-6TBR Scheda Tecnica

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Configure the desired settings, then click OK.
•  To use SSL encryption for more secure data transfers, enable “HTTPS/SSL Encryption”.
•  Some WebAccess applications may not support HTTPS/SSL encryption. Disable it in such a case. For more 
details, refer to the WebAccess Help Guide.
•  You may use the default BuffaloNAS.com registration, or disable to use a different DNS server.
•  Choose a “BuffaloNAS.com name” for your WebAccess account. Names may use 3 to 20 alphanumeric characters, 
underscores (_), and hyphens (-).
•  If “Exclusive Session” is enabled, users cannot log multiple computers into WebAccess. Only the last login will be 
•  Enter a time in minutes (1 to 120 or “Unlimited”) before inactive users are logged out of WebAccess.
Click OK.
Move the switch to the 
 position to enable WebAcces.
 to the right of “Folder Setup”.
Select a shared folder to publish.