Buffalo TeraStation 3400r 12TB TS3400R1204-EU Scheda Tecnica

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Click Edit.
Enable “Access Restrictions”.
Select the level of access for the user or group you added.
: Read and write access allowed  : Read access allowed  : Access prohibited
Click OK.
•  The example above shows access restriction by user. To restrict access by group, click the Local Groups and select 
group permissions.
•  If both read-only and read & write permissions are given to a user, the user will have read-only access. The most 
restrictive access always applies.
•  The following characters are handled differently by Mac OS and Windows. Avoid using these characters when 
sharing data between Mac OS and Windows:  
•  Windows does not support some characters that Mac OS and the TeraStation allow. If you create a filename on a Mac 
with any of the following characters, it will not display correctly on a Windows computer. With OS X 10.2 or later, you 
may have to connect to the TeraStation via AFP in order to display or copy any of the following characters.
? [ ] / \ = + < > ; : “ , | *
•  Do not use any of the following words as a username or group name:  root, bin, daemon, sys, adm, tty, disk, lp, sync, 
shutdown, halt, operator, nobody, mail, news, uucp, ftp, kmem, utmp, shadow, users, nogroup, all, none, hdusers, 
admin, guest, man, www, sshd, administrator, ftpuser, apache, mysql, splx
•  Do not use any of the following words as the name of a shared folder. These words are reserved for internal use by 
the TeraStation:  info, spool, lost+found, global, printers, homes, lp, authtest, ram, msdfs_root, mt-daapd, usbdisk# 
(where # is a number, for example: usbdisk1)
•  Don’t use the following unsupported characters in shared folder names, workgroup names, or filenames:
•  File and folder names may contain up to 255 single-byte characters.