WordPress WordPress Manuale Utente

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WordPress User Manual for Beginners 
4.3 Adding images to your posts 
You can easily add images using the standard WordPress tools. Again, like so much 
of WordPress, there have been some dramatic improvements in recent versions – 
including the automatic sizing of images, thumbnailing and image management. 
To add media to your post, you’ll see a number of tools added. You may find that on 
a lot of custom installations of WordPress you only have the small button that looks 
like a sun, on the right. If that’s the case then for most things you can use that image, 
but you may be limited with items such as YouTube videos. This is often done for 
security reasons. If the feature is necessary, speak to your support team. 
If you press the Add Image button you’ll be presented with a pop-up window: 
You can close this window with the small X in the top-right corner, or by clicking 
outside of the box. Generally you won’t upload images from a URL and will use the 
button ‘Choose files to upload’. Here you can upload one or many images. On most 
servers you’ll be limited to images of 2MB or less in size, so if you have 
a high-res digital camera you might need to resize the images before uploading. 
You can upload multiple images with the Flash uploader. Simply selected the 
different images while holding CTL (may be different on Apple Macs): 
Once you’ve selected the images, simply press the Open button, and you’ll see the 
window come back with the following showing you the images you have uploaded. 
Crunching means the image is being compressed and resized for your website. 
Thumbnail images are also being created. Once the crunching is done, you’ll see: 
Whether the thumbnails were created. If something went wrong at this stage and no 
thumbnails were created, there may be a problem with your connection or with the 
So – click on ‘Show’ for each image and you’ll get a dialog expanding into place: 
This dialogue provides a lot of options and controls – let’s go through them: 
Title – this is the title of the image. 
Caption – the caption for the image. Shows as alternate text, but since WordPress 
2.6 if your theme supports captions, it will allow you to caption your image. 
Description – the description. Not used by all themes, but handy to complete and 
may be used further in the future. 
Link URL – this is the address of the original image you’ve uploaded, by default, but 
it also allows you to create a link to another website here – quickly and effectively. 
You can also press the three buttons – None, meaning the image has no link, File 
URL, the default, and Post URL which will show your image within the design of the 
site rather than as an image on its own. 
Alignment – This allows you to set how the image is aligned. The small icons show 
the effect on the textwrapping. 
Size – you’ll want to choose how big the image is. If it’s not too massive, you can 
use the Full Size image – just make sure it fits into the space available. Otherwise, a 
Thumbnail, by default is a 150x150px square, and Medium is cropped to fit in a 
300x300px space.