Polycom Work Light 1725-71140-001 Manuale Utente

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Starting and Ending Meetings 
the meeting diagram. However, the order of locations is optimized individually for each location, so other 
locations always see locations in different orders. 
If you want to meeting with a location at a different company, click the first directory level at the top of the 
directory. This level shows all companies (
) available to your location. If the company you want is not 
listed, see “Getting Assistance” on page 30. 
At the start of a meeting and whenever necessary during a meeting, the audio system automatically corrects for 
acoustic variations in the locations. This correction takes less than a minute, and occasionally you may hear a 
temporary echo during the correction process. 
To end the meeting, see “Ending a meeting” on page 17. To see options for conducting your meeting, see 
“Conducting Meetings” on page 18. 
Including video-conference participants 
If your Halo location has video-conference equipment installed, your directory of sites at the top of your setup 
screen includes a video-conference entry 
 at the left end of the listing. Your Halo location can be a host, and 
your meeting can include all the people participating in a simultaneous video conference—along with as many as 
three Halo locations. During the meeting, you must coordinate between Halo participants and video-conference 
1.  Include the video-conference system in your meeting setup: 
When starting your meeting, click the video-conference entry 
 as one of the selected locations, or 
After the meeting starts, add the video-conference entry 
 to your meeting—see “Adding more locations to 
a meeting” on page 26. 
NOTE: Only one video conference can be included in a meeting, and it can be added only from the host Halo 
location, where the equipment is installed. The video conference can have as many participants as the 
equipment supports.