Omnia Industries Turntable 6FM Manuale Utente

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Omnia 6 Use and Installation Guide – Version 1.00a 
Input Source 
Selects between the discrete Left/Right Analog input or the AES/EBU Digital input. 
Input Mode 
Selects how input audio is routed and processed by the Omnia-6fm. Highlight and click on the parameter 
selection to set the mode. The selected Mode is shown with a dot in the box next to the name.  The factory 
default selection is Stereo. The other available modes are:  
the left and right input channels are processed separately. 
Mono L: 
routes the Left Input only through both channels of the processor. 
Mono R: 
routes the Right Input only through both channels of the processor. 
Mono L + R: 
sums the stereo input to mono and processes the summed audio. 
Swap L / R: 
swaps the Left and Right Inputs. 
Invert Both: 
if the absolute phase of the Omnia-6fm is different from your existing system, it could  
cause your announcers to think they sound “weird” when speaking while monitoring  
through headphones. If this happens, the absolute phase of the Omnia-6 may be different  
from what your announcers are used to. A quick way to remedy this is to highlight Invert 
Both and click to select. A dot in the box indicates Invert Both is active. 
High-Pass Filter 
In most FM systems, subsonic frequencies should usually be rolled off to prevent difficulties with certain 
exciters and STL systems. The Omnia6-fm has a third-order (18dB/Octave) high pass filter with five 
selectable cutoff frequencies from 60 Hz down to 20 Hz. The factory default is "Out", which means that 
frequencies down to around 2Hz are passed through the system without attenuation. You may select one of 
the other values that may be more appropriate for your system. 
Phase Rotator 
This section consists of three cascaded second order 200 Hz allpass filter sections. Phase Rotators (also 
known as Phase Scramblers) are commonly utilized to make asymmetrical waveforms (such as voice) more 
symmetrical. This ensures that clipping occurs equally on positive and negative peaks, making better use of 
the symmetrical nature of FM modulation. Phase rotation can make talent voice sound cleaner, but since it 
disturbs the phase integrity of musical signals, music might sound more faithful to the original source if 
phase rotation is reduced or not used at all. The four available settings (Off, 1, 2, 3) allow you to select how 
many sections (if any) are active. Selecting higher numbers will result in a steeper phase shift slope at the 
design frequency of 200Hz. You should always choose the Phase Rotator setting that sounds best in your 
system. Off can be chosen if previous phase rotation has been performed in your system (in a mic processor 
for example) or to preserve the phase integrity of the original program as described above.