Omnia Industries TV Cables 6FM Manuale Utente
Omnia 6 Use and Installation Guide – Version 1.00a
This submenu has seven items:
Input Gain Left/Right, Master Drive
Input Source Selection
Invert Both Channels Option
Input Mode Selection
HP Filter Selection
Phase Rotation Selection
Pre-Emphasis Selection
Input Submenu
Input Gain Left / Right
These controls set both the analog and digital input peak levels. For an analog signal, the control range is
from -18 to +12. For digital signals, the range is from -30 dBFS (deciBels below digital Full Scale) to 0
dBFS. The factory default control setting of 0.0dB corresponds to a nominal input level of +4 dBu (-12
from -18 to +12. For digital signals, the range is from -30 dBFS (deciBels below digital Full Scale) to 0
dBFS. The factory default control setting of 0.0dB corresponds to a nominal input level of +4 dBu (-12
To change the input sensitivity, highlight the control and click, then use the jog-wheel to adjust the level in
0.2 dB steps. –18.0 dB has the least amount of gain; +12.0 dB is the maximum gain. Compare the setting of
this control with the input bargraph meters so that signal peaks (the “bouncing balls”) read at -12 dBFS but
no higher.
0.2 dB steps. –18.0 dB has the least amount of gain; +12.0 dB is the maximum gain. Compare the setting of
this control with the input bargraph meters so that signal peaks (the “bouncing balls”) read at -12 dBFS but
no higher.
Master Drive
This control, located after the input bargraph meters, calibrates the nominal internal level of the Omnia-
6fm to match the reference level of your air chain. This control may need to be adjusted if your station's
audio reference level is something other than +4dBu. It also may need adjusting if the input audio feeding
the Omnia6-fm is pre-processed to reduce the peak-to-average ratio, or if you wish to bypass the WB AGC
and have too little gain. The range of this control is –9dB to +6dB.
6fm to match the reference level of your air chain. This control may need to be adjusted if your station's
audio reference level is something other than +4dBu. It also may need adjusting if the input audio feeding
the Omnia6-fm is pre-processed to reduce the peak-to-average ratio, or if you wish to bypass the WB AGC
and have too little gain. The range of this control is –9dB to +6dB.
Note: Normally there should be 10-12 dB of nominal gain reduction in the WB AGC section. This will
occur when a +4dBu average input level is present, the Left / Right gain controls are adjusted for peak
input levels just reaching –12dBFS, and when the Input Gain, Master Drive, and AGC Drive controls are
set at 0.0. If not, you may adjust the Master Drive control to achieve the desired WB AGC gain reduction
occur when a +4dBu average input level is present, the Left / Right gain controls are adjusted for peak
input levels just reaching –12dBFS, and when the Input Gain, Master Drive, and AGC Drive controls are
set at 0.0. If not, you may adjust the Master Drive control to achieve the desired WB AGC gain reduction