Q-Logic 2500 Manuale Utente

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5–Fibre Channel Noninteractive Commands
-tp (Display Host Topology)
SN0054667-00  C
(Display Host Topology)
Use the -tp option to show the topology configuration of the host:
qaucli -pr fc -tp | topology
Under Linux, this feature is disabled if you are using the IOCTL or sysfs (inbox) 
(Firmware Area Update/Save)
Use the -u option to update the firmware preload area of the adapter from a 
DAT file or to save the current firmware preload area of the adapter to a DAT file.
To update the adapter firmware preload table, issue the following command:
qaucli -pr fc -u ( <hba instance> | <hba wwpn> ) <file name>
To save the current adapter firmware preload table to a DAT file, issue the 
following command:
qaucli -pr fc -u ( <hba instance> | <hba wwpn> ) save <file name>
<hba instance> is the adapter instance number of an adapter port.
<hba wwpn> is the world wide port name of an adapter port.
<file name> is the name of the firmware preload table DAT file.
(Display Version)
To show the version number of the QConvergeConsole CLI utility, issue the 
following command:
qaucli -pr fc -v
This option is available only for QLE2562.
This option is valid only in noninteractive mode.