Microboards Technology CD Disc-to-Disc Office Copier II Manuale Utente

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                                                                        Orbit II Disc-to-Disc Copier Reference Manual – Revision I
5.7 CD-R Handling Tests: 
These tests will verify that your new Orbit II has not suffered any shipping damage that affects CD-R 
Accepted Disc Test: 
•  Load approximately 10 blank CD-R discs in the Input Hopper.  (Remember; Burn CD? has 
been turned off.  The discs you use for this test will not be recorded.) 
•  Press the    Yes     key at the  
•  When the    
 prompt appears, press   No    to set the “10s” digit 
to “1”, and press   Yes    to accept the “10s” digit setting.  The underline cursor will move to the 
“1s” digit.  Press the       Yes    key to accept the “0” setting and tell Orbit II you want a ten disc 
Copy CD-to-CD? 
Quantity?    00 
•  When the CD Reader tray opens, place a short master (you can use the Orbit II distribution disc) 
in the CD Reader tray and press   Yes   . 
•  Orbit II will perform a simulated copy operation on the 10 discs and place them in the Accept 
If all of the discs are placed in the Accept Basket, this test has been completed successfully.  
Proceed to the Rejected Disc Test.  If you experienced CD-R handling problems in this test, 
contact Microboards Technology Technical Support for assistance.
Rejected Disc Test: 
Load approximately 10 blank CD-R discs in the Input Hopper.  
•  Press the     No     key at the  
Copy CD-to-CD? 
Copy & Compare? 
•  Press the    Yes     key at the  
•  When the    
 prompt appears, press   No    to set the “10s” digit 
to “1”, and press   Yes    to accept the “10s” digit setting.  The underline cursor will move to the 
“1s” digit.  Press the       Yes    key to accept the “0” setting and tell Orbit II you want a ten disc 
Quantity?    00 
Compare CD? 
•  When the CD Reader tray opens, place a short master (you can use the Orbit II distribution disc) 
in the CD Reader tray and press   Yes   . 
•  Orbit II will perform a compare operation on the 10 discs.  Because they are blank it will place 
them on the Reject side of the Orbit 2. 
If all of the discs are placed on the Reject side, this test has been completed successfully.  
Proceed to the Writer and Reader Tests that follow.  If you experienced CD-R handling problems 
in this test, contact Microboards Technology Technical Support for assistance.