Follett VERSION 6.00 Manuale Utente

Pagina di 730
Circulation report
Copy List by Status
Presents the copies in your collection based on each item's copy
status. Use this report to identify your copies based on any
copy status (Available, Checked Out, On Loan, At The Bindery,
Missing, On Hold, or Lost) (see page 551).
Date Slips
Prepares date due slips for your patrons. Choose a date or sort
by loan periods set up for each patron type (see page 552).
Hold Notices
Prepares notices to inform your patrons that copies are ready to
be picked up. Generate these notices in batches for mailing or
internal distribution (see page 553).
Hold Statistics
Lets you examine the frequency in which your patrons are
placing holds and reserves on copies. Use this report to identify
areas of demand (see page 556).
Hold Transactions
Presents the patron, title information, and status of each hold
and reserve. Use this list to post hold information for your
library staff or generate pick lists (see page 557).
Inventory List by Call Number
Lists copies based on inventory status and call numbers. Use
this list to compare the missing items recorded in the database
to the copies on the shelves (see page 558).
Inventory List by Title
Lists copies based on inventory status and titles. Use this list to
compare the missing items recorded in the database to the
copies on the shelves (see page 559).
Overdue/Bill Notices
Prepares notices to inform your patrons of overdue materials or
outstanding fines. Generate these notices in batches for mailing
or internal distribution (see page 561).
Overdue List
Creates a simple list of patrons with overdue materials (see
page 566).
Patron Barcode Labels
Produces new or replacement patron barcodes in Follett
Classic, Code 39, or Codabar symbologies (see page 567).
Patron Barcode List
Produces a list of patrons and their barcodes. Use this report to
create a list of scannable patron barcodes (see page 570).
Patron Cards
Prepares patron library cards on rotary or ID card stock. Use
these to circulate materials and identify patrons (see page 572).
Patron Name List
Creates a customized list of patron records. Run this report
before conducting remote circulations with a PHD or to
generate class and attendance lists (see page 575).