Avaya Bogen APS Custom Guida All'Installazione Rapida

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S y s t e m   P a s s w o r d s
This section highlights the security and custom re c o rding feature s
associated with the APS Custom.  Security features include a 
t h re e - t i e red password s t ru c t u re.  Customization includes re c o rd i n g
names and prompts.  Users installing the APS Custom for the first
time or those not comfortable with the wide array of features and
functions available from the APS Custom should refer to the
detailed instructions contained in the main body of this manual.  
T h e re are three system passwords associated with each APS Custom unit. The p a s s w o rd s
a re displayed on the APS Custom PCI System Data screen (Figure 3-3).
The APS 120/360 Access Passwor d controls the APS Custom PCI access to 
the APS Custom unit.  The default value of this password is LUCENTAP.  The 
Access password is case sensitive and must be eight characters in length.  
The Access password may be changed by the APS Custom PCI user at 
anytime.  The password is used to guarantee a certain level of security in 
changing the database parameters associated with the APS Custom Unit.  
Changing the default password is optional.  In the APS Custom PCI System 
Data Screen (Figure 3-3), there are two fields associated with the APS
Custom Access Password.  The two fields are Current APS 120/360 Access 
and New APS 120/360 Access.  The current APS Custom Access password
is entered in the current APS 120/360 Access field.  The New APS 120/360 
Access field is used to change the APS Custom Access password in the APS
Custom unit.
The System Passwor d is used to control announcement recordings when the 
user is in Programming Mode.  Users are prompted to enter this password
when they choose to record or delete an announcement.  Simular to the 
Security Code, the default System Password is 6263 and must consist of four 
DTMF digits numbering 0 through 9.  This password may be changed by the 
APS Custom administrator using the PCI at anytime.  It is recommended that 
BOTH the System Password and the Security Code be changed from their 
default values. 
P a s s w o rd s