Anaheim BLD72-1 Manuale Utente

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Control Inputs (All) : (Terminals 5, 6, 8, 9)
Logic “0” - 0  to  0.8 V
Logic “1” - 3.5 to 5.0 V
Fault Reset: (Terminal 4)
Pulled up to +5VDC through a 10k Ohm resistor
Logic “1” (open) - Driver enabled and Fault detection enabled
Logic “0” - Resets a Fault condition (driver is disabled when this input is low).  This input must be held low
for at least 100ms.
Clock Inputs :  (Terminals 5 and 6)
Pulse required; 15 microseconds minimum.  The clock input is pulled up/down internally to +5VDC / 0VDC
through a 10k Ohm resistor, based upon JP2 selection.
Direction Control: (Terminal 5)
Pulled up to +5Vdc through a 10k Ohm resistor
Logic “1” (open) - CW
Logic “0” - CCW
Excitation Mode Select: (Terminal 8)
Pulled up to +5Vdc through a 10k Ohm resistor
Logic “1” (open) - Half-step
Logic “0” - Full-step
Power ON/OFF: (Terminal 9)
Logic “1” (open) - motor current on
Logic “0” - motor current off
Output Current Rating:
(Terminals 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, and 13)
10 Amps/phase maximum operating current, 7.0 Amps/phase maximum standstill current, over the oper-
ating voltage and temperature range. Motor phase  ratings of 1.0 Amp minimum are required to meet the
minimum kick level.
Power Requirement:
Anaheim Automation recommended transformer.
Operating Temperature : 0 to 60 degrees C
It is recommended that the aluminum driver baseplate be mounted on a larger aluminum plate, or similar
heat-conducting structure, whenever possible. This will prevent the driver baseplate from overheating and
degrading driver reliability. Fan cooling is also recommended whenever possible.
FUSING: A 5 Amp Fast Blow fuse in series with the primary winding of the transformer is required.