Delta Tau GEO BRICK LV Manuale Utente

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Turbo PMAC User Manual 
Turbo PMAC General Purpose I/O Use 
Turbo PMAC Multiplexed I/O (JTHW) Port 
The Multiplexer port on the JTHW (J3) connector of a Turbo PMAC has eight input lines and eight 
output lines.  The output lines can be used to multiplex large numbers of inputs and outputs on the port, 
and Delta Tau provides accessory boards and software structures (special M-variable definitions TWB, 
TWD, TWR, and TWS) to capitalize on this feature.  Up to 32 of the multiplexed I/O boards may be 
daisy-chained on the port, in any combination. 
Alternately, the eight inputs and eight outputs on the port can be used directly by assigning M-variables to 
the I/O points themselves.  This port maps into Turbo PMAC’s memory space at Y-address $078801.  
The suggested M-variable definitions for this use are M40 to M47 for the eight outputs, and M50 to M57 
for the eight inputs.   
Turbo PMAC Control Panel Port 
The control-panel port on the JPAN connector (J2 on Turbo PMAC PC, PCI, VME) of a Turbo PMAC is 
a 26-pin connector with dedicated control inputs, dedicated indicator outputs, a quadrature encoder input, 
and an analog input.  The control inputs are active low in their automatic function with internal pull-up 
resistors.  They have predefined functions unless the control-panel-disable I-variable (I2) has been set to 
1.  If this is the case, they may be used as general-purpose inputs by assigning M-variables to their 
corresponding memory-map locations (bits of Y address $078800). 
Control-Panel Inputs 
The JOG-/, JOG+/, PREJ/ (return to pre-jog position), and HOME/ inputs affect the motor selected by the 
FDPn/ lines (see below).  The STRT/ (run), STEP/, STOP/ (abort), and HOLD/ (feed hold) inputs affect 
the coordinate system selected by the FDPn/ lines.   
Do not change the selector inputs while holding one of the jog inputs low.  
Releasing the jog input will then not stop the previously selected motor.  This can 
lead to a dangerous situation. 
The four low-true BCD-coded input lines FDP0/ (LSBit), FDP1/, FDP2/, and FDP3/ (MSBit) form a low-
true BCD-coded nibble that selects the active motor and coordinate system (simultaneously).  Usually 
these are controlled from a single 4-bit motor/coordinate-system selector switch.  Variable I59 bank 
selects which group of eight motors and coordinate systems can be specified by the switch.  The motor 
selected with these input lines will respond to the motor-specific inputs.  It will also have its position 
following function turned on (Ixx06 bit 0 is set to 1 automatically); the motor just de-selected has its 
position following function turned off (Ixx06 bit 0 is automatically set to 0). 
Control-Panel Outputs 
There are five dedicated low-true outputs on the JPAN connector, usually used to light LEDs.  They are 
BRLD/ (buffer-request LED), IPLD/ (in-position LED), EROR/ (fatal following error LED), F1LD/ (first 
warning – following error LED), and F2LD/ (which goes true when the watchdog timer trips).  BRLD/, 
ERLD/, and F2LD/ are global status lines.  IPLD/ and F1LD/ are coordinate-system specific status lines.  
If I2=0, they refer to the panel-selected coordinate system (by FDPn/ and I59).  If I1=1, they refer to the 
host-selected coordinate system (&n). 
If I2=0 but no coordinate system is selected (all FPDn/ inputs are floating or pulled high), these lines can 
be used as general purpose outputs, addressed as bits 20-23 of Y:$078802.