Behringer Europack UB2222FX-Pro Manuale Proprietario

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5.  Rear Panel Connectors
5.1  Main mix outputs, insert points and 
control room outputs
Fig. 5.1: Main Mix outputs, main mix insert points and control room outputs
The MAIN outputs carry the MAIN MIX signal and are on balanced XLR jacks with 
a nominal level of +4 dBu. In parallel with this, 1/4" phone jacks carry the main 
mix signal in a balanced format (UB1622FX-PRO: here, the phone jack outputs are 
unbalanced and located on the front panel).
The control room output is normally connected to the monitoring system in the 
control room and carries the stereo mix or, when selected, the solo signals.
These are the insert points for the main mix. In the signal path, they are 
post-main mix amp, but pre-main fader(s). Use them to insert, for example, 
a dynamics processor or graphic equalizer. Please also note the information on 
insert points in chapter 5.3.
5.2  Subgroup outputs
Fig. 5.2: Subgroup outputs
The subgroup outputs are unbalanced and provide the mix of those channels 
assigned to each subgroup with the SUB switch (UB2442FX-PRO: switches 1-2 
or 3-4) next to the channel faders. Thus, you can, for example, route a subgroup 
to a second console or use the output as a recording output in parallel to the 
main outputs. In this way, you can record several tracks simultaneously. With an 
8-track recorder, use Y cables and wire the inputs of your machine so that you 
have 2 x 4 tracks available (e.g. channel 1 to track 1 and 2, etc.). In the first pass, 
you can record the tracks 1, 3, 5 and 7, in the second the tracks 2, 4, 6 and 8.
The EURORACK UB2442FX-PRO already has subgroup outputs wired in parallel 
(1-5, 2-6, etc.).
5.3  Inserts
Fig. 5.3: Insert points
On the UB2442FX-PRO the channel insert points are located on the 
control panel between the line input and the GAIN control.
Insert points are very useful to process channel signals with dynamic processors 
or equalizers. Unlike reverb or other effects devices, whose signals are usually 
added to the dry signal, dynamic processors are most effective on the complete 
signal. In this case, aux send paths are a less-than-perfect solution. It is better 
to interrupt the signal path and insert a dynamic processor and/or equalizer. 
After processing, the signal is routed back to the console at precisely the same 
point it left. However, the channel signal path is interrupted only if a plug is 
inserted into the corresponding jack (stereo phone plug: tip = signal output; 
ring = return input). All mono input channels are equipped with inserts. 
They are pre-fader, pre-EQ and pre-aux send. Inserts can also be used as pre-EQ 
direct outputs, without interrupting the signal path. To this end, you will need 
a cable fitted with mono phone plugs on the tape machine or effect device end, 
and a bridged stereo phone plug on the console side (tip and ring connected).
5.4  Direct outputs (UB2442FX-PRO only)
Fig. 5.4: Direct outputs 
The direct outputs of the UB2442FX-PRO (1 each per mono input channel) 
are ideal for recording if several tracks are to be recorded simultaneously. 
These unbalanced phone jacks are post-EQ, post-mute and post-fader.
5.5  Voltage supply, phantom power supply 
and fuse
All models
Fig. 5.5: Voltage supply and fuse
The console is connected to the mains via the cable supplied, which meets the 
required safety standards. Blown fuses must only be replaced by fuses of the 
same type and rating. The mains connection is made via a cable with IEC mains 
connector. An appropriate mains cable is supplied with the equipment.