Barnes & Noble Nook HD+ Guida Utente

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Barnes & Noble NOOK HD+ User Guide 
Your NOOK recognizes these different gestures:
•  Tap
•  Double tap
•  Press and hold
•  Swipe
•  Scroll
•  Drag
•  Pinch and Zoom
A tap on the screen is a quick touch of your fingertip. It’s the same gesture you use when you tap a key on a com-
puter keyboard. 
Tapping on a button.
Double Tap
Some features require a double tap: two taps in quick succession. For example, by double-tapping on an item in the 
NOOK Store, you can open a window displaying information about the item.
Press and Hold 
Pressing and holding means touching your finger to the screen and holding it there for 2 seconds. 
In many situations, pressing and holding causes your NOOK to open a pop-up menu. The pop-up menu—sometimes 
called a contextual menu—offers you choices about the image your finger is resting on.
For example, if you press and hold on a book cover, your NOOK opens a menu offering you choices of things you 
can do with that book:  open the book, recommend it, lend it, and so on.