Marvel M18SZBGXR Istruzione Sull'Installazione

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CONGRATULATIONS! You are now the proud owner of a 
superb, beautiful and durable addition to your home. The 
following information will help you get the most pleasure 
from your purchase.
Wine cellar features:
Adjustable temperature control: The temperature control 
is fully adjustable from the low fourties to the mid sixties. In 
dual zone models the lower compartment control is ad-
justable from the mid fifties to the high sixties. The range 
allows flexibility for temperature preferences and provides 
the ideal wine aging and storage temperature.
Interior light and switch: The interior light makes it easy 
to view your wine labels and enhances the display of your 
collection. When the switch is in the "OFF" position, the 
light will come on when the door is opened. In the "ON" 
position, the light remains on continuously. 
If the temperature control is turned to "OFF" (no cooling), 
do not leave the light switch in the "ON" position for more 
than a few minutes to prevent overheating of interior parts.
Pull out racks: The racks may be pulled out approximately 
6 inches (15.2cm) to facilitate adding or removing bottles. 
Bottles are stored on single levels for easy viewing and ac-
cess to your inventory. 
Operation of your wine cellar:
Setting the control, single zone models: The total avail-
able temperature of the unit is from the low forties to the 
mid sixties. The middle range on the control is approxi-
mately 53° F (12° C). The temperature can be changed by 
turning the control clockwise to raise the temperature and 
counterclockwise to lower the temperature. As with any 
refrigeration product there is a slight temperature variance 
at different locations within the cabinet. For example the 
coolest bottles will be in the rear. The bottles on the top two 
shelves will be 3°F to 5°F (2°C to 3°C) warmer. This is the 
warmest location in the cabinet. The bottles in the front will 
be 1° to 3°F (1° to 2°C) warmer than the bottles in the rear 
of the shelves. Position your bottles accordingly (i.e. white 
wines in the cooler zones and red wines in the warmer 
zones). To start your wine cellar cabinet, turn the control 
clockwise to the middle thermostat setting. Once the bottles 
are loaded allow at least 48 hours for the unit to stabilize 
before making any adjustments to the initial setting. Check 
the temperature with a good quality thermometer and ad-
just the control as needed. Wait 24 hours before re-check-
ing the temperature and re-setting the control so the unit is 
fully stabilized between each control adjustment. 
Setting the control, dual zone models: The upper com-
partment has a range from the low forties to the mid sixties.
The middle range on the control is approximately 53°F 
(12°C). The temperature can be changed by turning the 
control clockwise to raise the temperature and counter-
clockwise to lower the temperature. The lower compartment 
has a temperature range from the mid fifties to the high 
sixties with a middle range on the control of 60°F (16°C). 
To start your wine cellar turn both controls clockwise to 
the middle setting. Once the bottles are loaded allow at 
least 48 hours for the unit to stabilize before making any 
adjustments to the initial setting. Please note that the lower 
compartment will always be warmer than the upper com-
partment so red wines should be stored in the lower com-
partment and white wines in the upper compartment. When 
adjusting temperature of your dual zone wine cellar always 
adjust the temperature of the upper compartment to the de-
sired temperature first, then adjust the lower compartment. 
Check the temperature with a good quality thermometer 
and adjust the control as needed. Wait 24 hours before re-
checking temperature and re-setting the control so the unit 
is fully stabilized between each control adjustment.
Inserting wine bottles: Each rack holds the bottles with 
the necks alternating front to back. To aid in loading/unload-
ing, pull the racks forward to allow easier access to the rear 
bottles. Position wines accordingly and remember to