Summit SCFF1842 Foglio Delle Specifiche

Pagina di 2
34.0" x 17.75" x 24.0" (H x W x D)
18" wide frost-free freezer in black for built-in or
freestanding use, with lock and digital thermostat 
Unique 18" width is ideal for small homes and micro-kitchens
Fully frost-free for low maintenance operation
Flexible design allows built-in or freestanding use under counters
Digital thermostat offers precise and convenient temperature control
Built-in capable
Make the best use of space by installing your appliance under the counter
Fully finished black cabinet
Allows the unit to be used freestanding
Factory installed lock
Keyed security on the door
Digital thermostat
Electronic controls for precise temperature management. 
Digital display
Temperature readout can be shown in Celsius or Fahrenheit
Frost-free operation
Eliminates the need to manually defrost the interior
Adjustable chrome shelves
Rearrange interior space to accommodate all sizes or remove shelves for simple cleanup
Reversible door
User-reversible door swing for added flexibility
Professional handle
Stainless steel handle completes the professional look
Flush back
Space saving design