RAD Data comm Modular Access Device with Integrated Router Manuale Utente

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FCD-IPM Installation and Operation Manual 
Chapter 4  Configuration 
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Interval Parameters 
Table 4-10.  Interval Parameters  
Parameters Description 
Current Errored Seconds (ES)  An errored second is any second containing one or more CRC error 
events, one or more OOF events, or one or more controlled slip 
Unavailable Seconds Out-Of-
Frame (UAS) 
An unavailable second out-of-frame is any second in which a failed 
signal state exists. A failed signal state is declared when 10 consecutive 
severely errored seconds (SES) occur, and is cleared after 10 
consecutive seconds of data are processed without a SES. 
Severely Errored Seconds 
A SES is a second with 832 or more CRC error events, or one or more 
OOF events. 
Bursty Errored Seconds Out-
Of-Frame (BES) 
A BES is a second with 2 to 831 CRC error events. 
Current Loss of Frame 
Counter (LOFC) 
The loss of frame (LOF) counter counts the loss of frame alignment 
Current Slip Second Counter 
A CSS is a second with one or more controlled slip events. 
Degraded Minutes (DM) 
The total number of degraded minutes in the current 24-hour interval. 
A degraded minute is a minute in which the bit error rate (BER) 
exceeded 1x10
. This number is updated every minute.