Bosch 630 Manuale Utente

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en | Operating instructions
Video Recorder 630/650 Series
F.01U.169.663 | v2.0 | 2012.02
Installation and Operation manual
Bosch Security Systems
Triggers and alarms
Various types of events change the way the unit works. These events are:
an alarm input signal applied to the unit
motion detection in a camera signal
a loss of video from one of the cameras
an internal alert from the unit itself (i.e. disk failure, temperature alarm)
The way the unit reacts to events depends on how it is programmed.
An event can cause either a trigger or an alarm. A trigger changes the way the unit works but 
does not require a response from the user. An alarm also changes the way the unit works but, 
in addition, usually activates several indicators and requires the user to acknowledge the 
alarm situation.
The unit reacts to an event in any one of the following ways:
A beeper sounds.
A status message is displayed.
An alarm icon is displayed.
The border around a cameo changes color to red.
An alarm 
 or video loss 
 indicator flashes.
An output relay is activated.
A motion 
 indicator flashes.
The view modes on the monitors change.
A controllable camera might be moved to a pre-defined position.
Recording behavior changes.
The unit changes the way it operates via pre-defined profiles.
Background events
Triggers and alarms can change background tasks that a user may not notice. Unit responses 
that are not visible to the user are, for example, a change in recording speed, the activation of 
the output relay, and event logging. The unit can also be configured to record upon the 
activation of an alarm input. A trigger may change the way the camera images are displayed on 
the monitors without requiring intervention.
Alarm inputs
If an input causes an alarm
Monitors A and B can switch to a pre-programmed view mode.
Monitor A: The border around the displayed cameos is red. The alarm icon is displayed in 
the corresponding cameo. An alarm status message is displayed.
Monitor B: Full screen or sequenced display of pre-programmed cameras.
The alarm beeper sounds. The alarm 
 indicators flash.
A controllable camera might be moved to a pre-defined position.