Lucent Technologies 555-235-100 Manuale Utente

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Call Detail Recording
DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions Release 2 Overview 
Issue 2 June 1999 9-18
Call Detail Recording Devices
The following output devices are supported by DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions:
local storage devices such as the Call Detail Recording Unit and any customer-
provided storage device with an RS-232C interface
processing devices — such as the Lucent Technologies Call Accounting System 
Plus, Cost Allocator, or host processors — that are supported over an RS-232C 
interface with XON/XOFF flow control
asynchronous ASCII printers with RS-232C interface
The enhanced variable format records feature capability in DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions supports any 
customer-defined data presentation, and therefore can support any devices over an RS-232C interface.
Call Accounting Systems
Several options are available to you for call accounting, depending on what type of system administration 
tools you are using. 
s Management 
System (TMS)
Telecommunications Management System is a state-of-the-art multiuser 
telemanagement system. See “Call Accounting Systems” in Chapter 3 for more 