Samsung SGH-E700A Manuale Utente

Pagina di 98
Fun Box
(Menu 7.1.1)
When you select this menu option, the phone 
connects to the network and loads the homepage of 
the Wireless Web service provider. 
Once connected, the homepage displays. The 
content depends on the service provider. 
Note: To quickly launch the WAP browser from Idle 
Mode, press the 
To scroll through the screen, use the Up and Down 
To exit the browser, press the 
 key at any 
time. The phone returns to Idle Mode.
Navigating the WAP Browser
Entering Text in the WAP Browser
When you are prompted to enter text, the current 
text input mode appears above the right soft key.
For further information on how to enter text, see 
page 40.
Press the
scroll through and 
select browser 
Up or Down key until the item 
you want highlights, and then 
press the 
 soft key.
select a numbered 
corresponding numeric key.
return to the 
previous page
 (or Back) soft key or C 
return to the 
startup homepage
 key and select the Home 
browser option. For details, 
see page 141.
Fun Box
Using the WAP Browser Menus
There are various menu options available when 
surfing the Wireless Web.
To access the WAP Browser menu:
1. Press the 
 key or scroll to the logo on the top 
left of all WAP pages and then press the 
A list of options appears.
2. Highlight the required option using the Up or 
Down key.
3. Press the 
 soft key to select the option.
4. If necessary, select the secondary option by 
pressing the Up or Down key and then press the 
 soft key.
Note: The WAP Browser menus may vary, 
depending on your version of the browser.
The following WAP Browser menus are available:
Back: returns to the previous page.
Home: takes you back at any time to the 
homepage of the Wireless Web service provider.
Exit: exits the WAP browser.
Reload: reloads the current page.
Show URL: shows the URL address of the WAP 
page you are currently accessed.
Advanced: the following options are available:
Clear cache: clears the information stored in the 
cache the phone’s temporary memory used to store 
the most recently accessed WAP pages.
About: shows browser information.