Philips MP40/50 ユーザーズマニュアル

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Monitoring Respiration Rate
For the respiratory measurement (Resp), the monitor measures the thoracic impedance between two 
ECG electrodes on the patient’s chest. Changes in the impedance due to thoracic movement produce 
the Resp waveform on the monitor screen. The monitor counts the waveform cycles to calculate the 
respiration rate (RR).
Lead Placement for Monitoring Resp
Correct patient skin preparation techniques for electrode placement are important for Resp 
measurement: you will find this information in the chapter on ECG.
The Resp measurement uses the standard ECG cable sets and lead placements. You can use any of the 
different types of ECG cable sets - 3-lead, 5-lead, or 10-lead, using either standard or EASI™ 
placement - to measure Resp, as long as you use ICU ECG cables. 
The Resp signal is always measured between two of the ECG electrodes. If you are using standard ECG 
electrode placement, Resp is measured between the RA and LL electrodes. If you are using EASI™ 
ECG electrode placement, Resp is measured between the I and A electrodes. 
Optimizing Lead Placement for Resp
If you want to measure Resp and you are already measuring ECG, you may need to optimize 
placement of the two electrodes between which Resp will be measured for some patients. Repositioning 
ECG electrodes from standard positions, especially when you are using EASI™ ECG electrode 
placement, results in changes in the ECG waveform and may influence ST and arrhythmia 
Cardiac Overlay
Cardiac activity that affects the Resp waveform is called cardiac overlay. It happens when the Resp 
electrodes pick up impedance changes caused by the rhythmic blood flow. Correct electrode placement 
can help to reduce cardiac overlay: avoid the liver area and the ventricles of the heart in the line 
between the respiratory electrodes. This is particularly important for neonates.