Mitsubishi Electronics QJ7LP25G ユーザーズマニュアル

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8 - 21                                                                                                                                                                                8 - 21 
8.2.1 Items checked first 
Check item 
Checking procedure 
Monitor the transmission status of each station 
with GX Developer 's network diagnostics. 
Check the CPU module status of the faulty station, the status of the network modules, 
the loop status of each station to search for the location where the error has occurred. 
Is the "ERR." LED of the CPU module still lit or 
Read the error code using GX Developer, and take proper measures against the error. 
(For details, refer to the QCPU User's Manual (Hardware Design, Maintenance and 
Check the following when LINK PARA. ERROR occurs. 
1) Check whether the starting I/O No. in the network setting matches the slot where the 
network module is installed. (Refer to Section 5.1.2.) 
2) Check for consistency in the network type and the station number of the network 
module. (Refer to Section 5.1.1.) 
3) Check if the PLC side device ranges in Refresh parameters are within the ranges set 
in [PLC parameter] - [Device]. (Refer to Section 5.1.5 (2).) 
If refresh parameters have not been set, set them according to the changes made in 
[Device] under [PLC parameter]. (Refer to Section 5.1.5 (3).) 
Are the LEDs of the remote I/O station operating 
Check the "RUN", "ERR", and "L ERR" LEDs and take the corrective action if any error 
is found.    (Refer to Section 4.2.) 
Are the “RUN,” “REM.,” “T.PASS,” and “D.LINK” 
LEDs of the remote I/O module on? 
Are the “ERR.,” and “L ERR” LEDs off? 
If the “RUN,” “REM.,” “T.PASS,” and “D.LINK” LEDs are OFF or the “ERR.” and “L 
ERR.” LEDs are ON, diagnose the remote I/O module by GX Developer. 
(Refer to Section 4.2.) 
If the status of the "T. PASS" or "L ERR." LED is unstable, refer to the following. 
The line status may be unstable. 
1) Check the connector for loose connection and the cable for a break. 
2) Check that the cable used conforms to the specifications. 
3) Check that the overall length and interstation distance conform to the specifications. 
(Refer to Section 4.8 Cable Connection.) 
Are the "RUN" and "REM." LEDs on the remote 
I/O module on? 
If the LEDs are out, use GX Developer to diagnose the remote I/O module. 
Has the error reset process using SM50/SD50 
been performed after the online module change 
function was executed on a remote I/O station? 
Perform the error reset process by the procedure below after executing the online 
module change function. 
1) Perform the error reset process on the remote I/O station. 
2) Perform the error reset process on the programmable controller CPU of the master 
Are the ERR contacts of the power supply 
modules of the remote master station and remote 
I/O station on? 
1) If the ERR contact of the power supply module of the remote master station is OFF, 
check the status of the power supply connected to the power supply module of the 
remote master station, or diagnose by GX Developer if a stop error has not occurred 
on the CPU module of the remote master station. 
2) If the ERR contact of the power supply module of a remote I/O station is OFF, check 
the status of the power supply connected to the power supply module of the remote 
I/O station, or diagnose by GX Developer if a stop error has not occurred on the 
remote I/O module of the remote I/O station. However, the ERR contact of the power 
supply module of the remote I/O station is turned off instantaneously when 
parameters are received from the remote master station after the parameters of the 
remote I/O station are changed. (The ERR contact is turned on when communication 
becomes ready due to the reception of parameters.) 
8.2.2 Items checked when data link cannot be performed throughout the system 
Check item 
Checking procedure 
Monitor the communication status of each station 
with GX Developer's network diagnostics. 
Check the line condition with GX Developer's network diagnostic loop test (only in case 
of optical loop test). 
Check the faulty station's CPU module and network module. 
Check the network module and data link cable with the self-loopback test and station-
to-station test of the offline tests. 
Check whether data linking is stopped for all stations. 
Are the network parameters set for the remote 
master station? 
Check whether the network parameters from the remote master station's CPU module 
are set. 
Are the switch settings of the remote master 
station's master module correct? 
Check the station number setting switches and mode setting switch. 
Are the switches of the network modules on all 
stations set in the correct position? 
Make sure that the mode setting switches of the network modules on all stations are in 
the same position. 
Is the link monitoring time set to a sufficient value? 
Set the link monitoring time to the maximum value and check whether or not data 
linking can be performed. 
Did the remote master station go down? 
Check the on/off status of the LEDs of the master modules of the remote master station.