Motorola G24 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 642
December 31, 2007
AT Commands Reference Manual
Manual Scope
This manual introduces the G24 AT commands, and describes how software developers can use 
these commands to communicate with the G24 device, and to create software applications that 
communicate with the G24 using these commands.
The integrator should read the corresponding SW release notes for the G24 version he is 
using to get information about differences from this manual.
Target Audience
This manual is intended for software developers who communicate with the G24 device using the 
AT commands, and create applications to communicate with the G24 device using the AT 
Manual Organization
This manual contains the following chapters:
provides a scope for this manual, document convention, safety instructions and a 
liability notification.
introduces the new product features and provides a list of the 
AT commands.
provides an introduction to the AT commands, 
and includes a general explanation of the command’s format and usage. It also describes 
supported character sets and error handling. 
provides a reference to all available AT commands, 
including examples, where relevant.
 provides scenarios and examples for implementing 
various G24 functionality, including G24 setup and connectivity, SMS, call control, data 
calls, GPRS, Sleep mode, audio, TCP/IP, STK and MUX user integration.
describes the PC Driver and PC Loader tools provided by the 
provides conversions between different character sets. It 
also provides an alphabetical list of all the AT commands.
describes the MUX’s PREMUX and MUX states.