Motorola NAVTEQ ユーザーズマニュアル

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Setting up Device
Launching VIAMOTO
To effectively use VIAMOTO™ in your vehicle, you should:
• Change phone settings for best in-vehicle use before 
you first run VIAMOTO
• Place your phone as close to the windshield as possible
• Power your phone from the vehicle
Vehicle Power Charger -
Available at 
- Press and hold power button.
- Press the Menu button and locate the Java Apps icon.
- Highlight JAVA icon and press the OK button.
- Highlight GO icon and press the OK button.
- Review User Consent and press button under ACCEPT
if acceptable.
Laws in some areas prohibit the use of a cellular phone when driving a motor 
vehicle.  It is the responsibility of each cellular phone user to be aware of and 
abide by any and all local laws and ordinances, which may restrict the use of 
cellular phones.  The user must take the utmost care in using a cellular phone 
safely under all circumstances. Traffic laws and current traffic conditions must 
always be observed and take precedence over the instructions issued by the 
navigation system.  The user should be aware of situations where current traffic 
conditions and the instructions from the navigation system may be in conflict.  
The use of the navigation system does not relieve the user of his/her 
responsibilities.  The user is ultimately responsible for the vehicle under his/her 
control and should be aware of the surroundings at all times.  For traffic safety 
reasons, it is recommended that routes should be set-up in a stationary vehicle 
before starting a trip.  Privacy:  Operation of the navigation system requires that 
the user’s position be sent to a central server for use in preparing the route 
information.  This information will only be used to provide the navigation service 
and will not be shared with any third parties.  A user who wishes to keep their 
current location private should not use the navigation system.  Motorola is not 
responsible for any financial loss, or other incidental or consequential damage 
arising out of the use of, or inability to use, this product. This includes damage to 
property and, to the extent permitted by law, damages for personal injury and 
death.  If after reading these statements you decide not to accept these terms, 
you should not use the VIAMOTO™ service.
User Consent
or Nextel retail store
Phone Holder – 848957 or 841957
Available at 
1- 800-296-3212
Select Existing Address Book Entry:
Choosing a Destination
- On VIAMOTO screen, highlight Use Address Book and 
press button under SELECT.
On Address Book screen, highlight an address and 
press button under SELECT.
- Press button under GO to begin automatic voice guidance.
To add addresses to your address book online, go to 
Enter Address Using Keypad:
- On VIAMOTO screen, highlight Use Address Book and 
press button under SELECT.
- On Address Book screen, highlight New Address and 
press button under SELECT.
- If you know the zip code, press button under OK and 
type the zip code.  Press button under OK and verify
state and city.  If you do not know the zip code, select
City,State and use keypad to type the state and city.
- Press button under OK.
- Use keypad to type street address.  Press button under OK.
- Add name to save the address to your address book.
- Press button under SELECT.
- Press button under GO to begin automatic voice guidance.
Search Directory for Nearby Dining, Lodging, etc.:
- On VIAMOTO screen, highlight Search Directory and 
To enter letters press the key multiple times to display each letter. 
press button under SELECT.
- Highlight a category or select SEARCH ALL and press 
button under FIND.
- Type a partial business name or leave blank to show all 
- Press button under FIND.
- Highlight the destination and press button under SELECT to 
display directions.
- Press button under GO to begin voice route guidance.
To customize list of directory categories, go to 
VIAMOTO will advise you when you have left the route.  
Press button under REROUTE to get a new route.
To find a listing near another location, press button under SKIP and 
select an alternate starting location for your search. 
GPS needs open sky to receive signals.  Buildings, trees, and garages
block reception.  When possible, plan your route under open sky.
For user guides on installing and using VIAMOTO™, 
go to 