Motorola 6806800C47B ユーザーズマニュアル

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Checkpoint Service Programmer’s Reference (6806800C47B)
API Description
Time-out Arguments for Checkpoint Service APIs
Creating extra replicas on the system manager node for non-collated checkpoints is an 
overhead. The advantage of a non-collocated checkpoint is that replica will be created in two 
places, no matter from how many nodes it is opened.
Time-out Arguments for Checkpoint Service APIs
For all synchronous API calls, the application will provide the “timeout” argument. The 
application will consider invocation of the particular API failed in case it did not complete the call 
by the specified time. CPSv requires that the value passed in the timeout argument is greater 
than 100000000 nano seconds (100 milliseconds).
Cancellation of Pending Callbacks
According to the SAF-AIS-CKPT-B.01.01 specification, whenever a checkpoint is closed, all the 
pending callbacks corresponding to this checkpoint should be cancelled. In CPSv, 
implementation does cancel the pending callbacks related to closed checkpoints. However, the 
selection object already raised and related to cancelled pending callbacks, will not be cleared 
or reset. Due to this, saCkptDispatch API may return without invoking callback routine.
Maximum Number of Replicas Per Node
CPSv applications can create upto 1,000 replicas per node at a given instance. This includes 
the replicas created by CPSv for non-collocated checkpoints as per the “replica creation policy.” 
In the case of collocated checkpoints, CPSv returns SA_AIS_ERR_NO_RESOURCES if an 
application attempts to create a new checkpoint and the current number of replicas on the local 
node is already the maximum that CPSv can support per node. 
In the case of non-collocated checkpoints, CPSv returns an SA_AIS_ERR_NO_RESOURCES 
if the number of checkpoint replicas on the node on which CPSv decides to create a replica is 
already the maximum that CPSv can support per node. In all other cases, the checkpoint open 
does not return an error but the replicas will not be created on the backup nodes as decided by 
the “replica creation policy”. 
If the Checkpoint service API returns SA_AIS_ERR_TRY_AGAIN, the application should 
attempt the API call only after a couple of milliseconds. The suggested wait time is 3 seconds 
and the number of retries are 12.
Note that the Checkpoint write,overwrite, and read operations may sometime return 
SA_AIS_ERR_TRY_AGAIN if called simultaneously. This is to avoid any inconsistencies in the 
checkpoint database.
This section  describes how the Checkpoint service is preconfigured regarding shared memory 
and the maximum write data size.