Motorola 2200 ユーザーズマニュアル

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Administrator’s Handbook
DHCP Server
Your Gateway can provide network configuration information to computers on your LAN, using the Dynamic 
Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). 
If you already have a DHCP ser ver on your LAN, you should turn this ser vice off. 
If you want the Gateway to provide this ser vice, select 
Server from the 
Server Mode
 pull-down menu, 
then configure the range of IP addresses that you would like the Gateway to hand out to your computers.
You can also specify the length of time the computers can use the configuration information; DHCP calls 
this period the lease time.
Your Ser vice Provider may, for cer tain ser vices, want to provide configuration from its DHCP ser vers to the 
computers on your LANs. In this case, the Gateway will relay the DHCP requests from your computers to a 
DHCP ser ver in the Ser vice Provider's network. 
Relay-agent and enter the IP address of the Service Provider's DHCP server in the Server Address 
field. This address is furnished by the Ser vice Provider.
The relay-agent option only works when NAT is off and the Gateway is in router mode.