Fujifilm 600011859 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 144
Using the Menus: Shooting Mode
 Intelligent Face Detection
Because it ensures that the faces of portrait subjects 
will be in focus, Intelligent Face Detection (pg. 31) is 
recommended when using the self-timer for group 
portraits or self-portraits.  To use the self-timer 
with Intelligent Face Detection, select 
10 SEC or 
2 SEC in the self-timer menu and then press the 
shutter button all the way down to start the timer.  
The camera will detect faces while the timer is count-
ing down and adjust focus and exposure immedi-
ately before the shutter is released.  Be careful not to 
move until the picture has been recorded.
1 Note
The self-timer turns off  automatically when the picture 
is taken, a diff erent shooting mode is selected, play-
back mode is selected, or the camera is turned off .
Choose how much image fi les are compressed.  
Select  FINE (low compression) for higher image 
quality, NORMAL (high compression) to increase 
the number of pictures that can be stored.