Nikon 13187 ユーザーガイド

ページ / 368
: Aperture-Priority Auto
In aperture-priority auto, you choose the aperture while the camera automatically 
selects the shutter speed that will produce the optimal exposure. Large apertures 
(low f-numbers) increase flash range (
0 147) and reduce depth of field, blurring 
objects behind and in front of the main subject. Small apertures (high f-numbers) 
increase depth of field, bringing out details in the background and foreground. Short 
field depths are generally used in portraits to blur background details, long field 
depths in landscape photographs to bring the foreground and background into focus.
To choose an aperture between the minimum and 
maximum values for the lens, rotate the sub-
command dial while the exposure meters are on.
Large aperture (f/5.6)
Small aperture (f/22)
Depth-of-Field Preview
To preview the effects of aperture, press and hold the 
depth-of-field preview button. The lens will be 
stopped down to the aperture value selected by the 
camera (modes P and S) or the value chosen by the user 
(modes A and M), allowing depth of field to be 
previewed in the viewfinder.
Custom Setting e5—Modeling Flash
This setting controls whether the built-in flash and optional flash units such as the SB-910, 
SB-900, SB-800, SB-700, and SB-600 (
0 293) will emit a modeling flash when the depth-of-
field preview button is pressed. See page 241 for more information.
Sub-command dial
Depth-of-field preview button