Mitsubishi Electronics QD77MS2 ユーザーズマニュアル

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Chapter 13  Control Sub Functions
13.3 Functions for compensating the control 
The sub functions for compensating the control include the "backlash compensation 
function", "electronic gear function", and "near pass function". Each function is 
executed by parameter setting or sequence program creation and writing.   
13.3.1 Backlash compensation function 
The "backlash compensation function" compensates the backlash amount in the 
mechanical system. When the backlash compensation amount is set, an extra amount 
of command equivalent to the set backlash amount is output every time the movement 
direction changes.   
The details shown below explain about the "backlash compensation function".   
 [1] Control details 
  [2] Precautions during control 
  [3] Setting the backlash compensation function 
[1]  Control details 
The following drawing shows the operation of the backlash compensation 
Pr.11 Backlash compensation amount
Worm gear
Fig. 13.8 Backlash compensation amount