Mitsubishi Electronics FX3S ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 964
Programming Manual - Basic & Applied Instruction Edition
2 Overview (Sequence Program)
2.2 Introduction of Applied Instructions
3. Arithmetic and logical operations
• Addition (ADD/FNC 20)
• Subtraction (SUB/FNC 21)
• Multiplication (MUL/FNC 22)
• Division (DIV/FNC 23)
• Increment (INC/FNC 24)
• Square root (SQR/FNC 48)
• Trigonometry (FNC130 to FNC135)
• Conversion from/to floating point 
(FNC 49, FNC118, FNC119 and FNC129)
• Floating point arithmetic operations 
(FNC120 to FNC123) 
• Floating point square root (ESQR/FNC127)
→ Refer to Chapter 10, Chapter 12 and
 Chapter 18.
4. Rotation and shift operation
• Rotation right (ROR/FNC 30)
• Rotation left (ROL/FNC 31)
• Rotation right with carry (RCR/FNC 32)
• Rotation left with carry (RCL/FNC 33)
• Bit shift right (SFTR/FNC 34)
• Bit shift left (SFTL/FNC 35)
• Word shift right (WSFR/FNC 36)
• Word shift left (WSFL/FNC 37)
→ Refer to Chapter 11.
5. Data operation
• Zone reset (ZRST/FNC 40)
• Decode (DECO/FNC 41)
• Encode (ENCO/FNC 42)
• Sum of active bits (SUM/FNC 43)
• Mean (MEAN/FNC 45)
• Word to byte (WTOB/FNC141) and byte to word 
• 4-bit linking/grouping of word data 
(FNC143 and FNC144)
• Limit control (LIMIT/FNC256)
• Dead band control (BAND/FNC257)
• Zone control (ZONE/FNC258)
• Block data operation (FNC192 to FNC199)
• Character string control (FNC200 to FNC209)
→ Refer to Chapter 12, Chapter 19, Chapter 25,
Chapter 26 and Chapter 29.
6. High-speed processing
• Refresh (REF/FNC 50)
• Refresh and filter adjust (REFF/FNC 51)
• Speed detection (SPD/FNC 56)
• Pulse Y output (PLSY/FNC 57)
• Pulse ramp (PLSR/FNC 59)
→ Refer to Chapter 13.
7. Handy instructions and instructions for 
external devices
• Initial state (IST/FNC 60)
• Teaching timer (TTMR/FNC 64)
• Alternate state (ALT/FNC 66)
• Ramp variable value (RAMP/FNC 67)
• Rotary table control (ROTC/FNC 68)
• Ten-key input (TKY/FNC 70)
• Digital switch (thumbwheel input) (DSW/FNC 72)
• Seven-segment decoder (SEGD/FNC 73)
• Seven-segment with latch (SEGL/FNC 74)
• ASCII code data input (ASC/FNC 76)
• BFM Read, BFM Write (FNC 78, FNC 79, 
FNC278, and FNC279)
• Serial communication (FNC 80 and FNC 87)
• Analog volume (FNC 85 and FNC 86)
• Inverter communication (FNC270 to FNC275)
• MODBUS communication (ADPRW/FNC276)
• Hexadecimal to ASCII conversion (ASCI/FNC 82)
• ASCII to hexadecimal conversion (HEX/FNC 83)
• Cyclic redundancy check (CRC/FNC188)
• Random number generation (RND/FNC184)
• Real time clock control (FNC160 to FNC167)
• Hour meter (HOUR/FNC 169)
• Timing pulse generation (DUTY/FNC186)
• Logging R and ER (LOGR/FNC293)
→ Refer to Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16,
Chapter 21, Chapter 24, Chapter 30,
 Chapter 31 and Chapter 33.
8. Complicated control
• Search a data stack (SER/FNC 61)
• Sort tabulated data (FNC 69 and FNC149)
• PID control loop (PID/FNC 88)
→ Refer to Chapter 14, Chapter 16 and
 Chapter 19.
9. Positioning control
• Dog search zero return (DSZR/FNC150)
• Interrupt positioning (DVIT/FNC151)
• Batch data positioning mode (TBL/FNC152)
• Absolute present value read (ABS/FNC155)
• Zero return (ZRN/FNC156)
• Variable speed pulse output (PLSV/FNC157)
• Drive to increment (DRVI/FNC158)
• Drive to absolute (DRVA/FNC159)
→ Refer to Chapter 20.
→ Refer to the Positioning Control Manual.