Intel i7-975 AT80601002274AA ユーザーズマニュアル

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Thermal Specifications
Processor Thermal Features
Processor Temperature
A new feature in the Intel Core™ i7-900 desktop processor Extreme Edition series and 
Intel Core™ i7-900 desktop processor series is a software readable field in the 
IA32_TEMPERATURE_TARGET register that contains the minimum temperature at 
which the TCC will be activated and PROCHOT# will be asserted. The TCC activation 
temperature is calibrated on a part-by-part basis and normal factory variation may 
result in the actual TCC activation temperature being higher than the value listed in the 
register. TCC activation temperatures may change based on processor stepping, 
frequency or manufacturing efficiencies.
There is no specified correlation between DTS temperatures and processor case 
temperatures; therefore it is not possible to use this feature to ensure the processor 
case temperature meets the Thermal Profile specifications.
Adaptive Thermal Monitor
The Adaptive Thermal Monitor feature provides an enhanced method for controlling the 
processor temperature when the processor silicon exceeds the Thermal Control Circuit 
(TCC) activation temperature. Adaptive Thermal Monitor uses TCC activation to reduce 
processor power using a combination of methods. The first method (Frequency/VID 
control, similar to Thermal Monitor 2 (TM2) in previous generation processors) involves 
the processor reducing its operating frequency (using the core ratio multiplier) and 
input voltage (using the VID signals). This combination of lower frequency and VID 
results in a reduction of the processor power consumption. The second method (clock 
modulation, known as Thermal Monitor 1 (TM1) in previous generation processors) 
reduces power consumption by modulating (starting and stopping) the internal 
processor core clocks. The processor intelligently selects the appropriate TCC method 
to use on a dynamic basis. BIOS is not required to select a specific method (as with 
previous-generation processors supporting TM1 or TM2). The temperature at which 
Adaptive Thermal Monitor activates the Thermal Control Circuit is factory calibrated and 
is not user configurable. Snooping and interrupt processing are performed in the 
normal manner while the TCC is active.
When the TCC activation temperature is reached, the processor will initiate TM2 in 
attempt to reduce its temperature. If TM2 is unable to reduce the processor 
temperature then TM1 will be also be activated. TM1 and TM2 will work together (clocks 
will be modulated at the lowest frequency ratio) to reduce power dissipation and 
With a properly designed and characterized thermal solution, it is anticipated that the 
TCC would only be activated for very short periods of time when running the most 
power intensive applications. The processor performance impact due to these brief 
periods of TCC activation is expected to be so minor that it would be immeasurable. An 
under-designed thermal solution that is not able to prevent excessive activation of the 
TCC in the anticipated ambient environment may cause a noticeable performance loss, 
and in some cases may result in a T
 that exceeds the specified maximum 
temperature and may affect the long-term reliability of the processor. In addition, a 
thermal solution that is significantly under-designed may not be capable of cooling the 
processor even when the TCC is active continuously. Refer to the appropriate processor 
Thermal and Mechanical Design Guide (see 
) for information on designing a 
compliant thermal solution.
The Thermal Monitor does not require any additional hardware, software drivers, or 
interrupt handling routines. The following sections provide more details on the different 
TCC mechanisms used by the Intel Core™ i7-900 desktop processor Extreme Edition 
series and Intel Core™ i7-900 desktop processor series.