Emerson 9739 ユーザーズマニュアル

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Example: Cutoff interaction with AO Cutoff higher than Gas Standard Volume Flow
mA Output Process Variable
 for the primary mA output: Gas Standard Volume Flow Rate
Frequency Output Process Variable
: Gas Standard Volume Flow Rate
AO Cutoff
 for the primary mA output: 15 SLPM (standard liters per minute)
Gas Standard Volume Flow Cutoff
: 10 SLPM
If the gas standard volume flow rate drops below 15 SLPM but not below 10 SLPM:
The primary mA output will report zero flow.
The frequency output will report the actual flow rate, and the actual flow rate will
be used in all internal processing.
If the gas standard volume flow rate drops below 10 SLPM, both outputs will report
zero flow, and 0 will be used in all internal processing.
Configure Flow Direction
Not available
ProLink II
 > Configuration > Flow > Flow Direction
Field Communicator Configure > Manual Setup > Measurements > Flow > Flow Direction
Flow Direction
 controls how forward flow and reverse flow affect flow measurement and
Flow Direction
 is defined with respect to the flow arrow on the sensor:
Forward flow (positive flow) moves in the direction of the flow arrow on the sensor.
Reverse flow (negative flow) moves in the direction opposite to the flow arrow on
the sensor.
Micro Motion sensors are bidirectional. Measurement accuracy is not affected by actual flow
direction or the setting of the Flow Direction parameter.
Set Flow Direction to the value you want to use.
Configure process measurement
Configuration and Use Manual