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418   VM/HSC 6.0 System Programmer’s Guide
1st ed., 6/30/04 - 312579601
Functioning of Host-to-Host Communications 
The method hierarchy that is established is, from highest to lowest, VTAM, LMU, CDS. 
Initially, all methods are set to CDS. Appropriate entries can be placed in the PARMLIB 
statement to set the communications method at HSC initialization. If an error in 
communications occurs during communications with the current communication method, 
a method switch is performed. 
The system may switch from a method of VTAM to LMU, selecting the first LMU 
available from a list of defined LMUs. If the current method is LMU, the system attempts 
to find the next LMU available from the list, or switches from LMU to CDS. If a list of 
LMUs has not been defined by the PARMLIB statement, or if no LMUs are available, the 
system switches directly from VTAM to CDS. 
Note: After a downward switch has occurred, you must issue an operator command to 
perform an upward switch (for example, from CDS to LMU, CDS to VTAM, or LMU to 
Figure 8 on page 79 illustrates how various combinations of communication methods can 
exist at the same time between multiple hosts. 
Designation of Communication parameters 
When specifying communication parameters in the operator command, the parameters can 
designate different actions depending upon whether or not the host specified in the 
command is the host that is executing the command. 
When the command is defining parameters for the host executing the command, the 
method parameter defines the highest method in the hierarchy allowed to be defined on 
that host. 
If a command defining parameters for another host specifies a higher method, the current 
method for this other host is set to the executing host’s limit, if possible. To change a 
host’s method hierarchy limit, the command must be issued on that host, except during 
HSC initialization when the method is set from a PARMLIB control statement. 
When the command is defining parameters for the host executing the command, the 
LMUpath parameter defines those LMUs this host is allowed to use for sending messages. 
For two hosts to communicate via an LMU, there must be matching entries in their 
respective LMUpath lists. 
Careful analysis should be performed when defining the communication method in the 
PARMLIB control statement because of how the system handles the switching.