StorageTek 312564001 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 189
DB2 Manager User Guide 
After correcting the error, the utility may be rerun normally.   No special 
actions need to be taken prior to re-starting the failed pre-fetch job.   
Archive Manager housekeeping processing 
Pre-fetched objects will be retained on disk in the Archive Manager database 
for the period of time specified in the definition of the database.   When that 
time period has expired, the disk copies of pre-fetched objects will be eligible 
for deletion by Archive Manager, at which point any retrieval access for rows 
contained in those objects will be satisfied from tape. 
Standard Archive Manager object management processing should be 
performed on a regular basis to delete the expired disk-copies of pre-fetched 
objects.   Refer to “Archive Manager database maintenance” on page 114 for 
a description of Archive Manager database housekeeping processing 
OTDBP140 - the table analysis utility 
OTDBP140 is the DB2 Manager table analysis utility program.   The program 
is executed as a batch job in order to produce a detailed and/or summary 
analysis of the rows in a DB2 table which has been enabled for row migration 
processing by DB2 Manager. 
A print report is issued by the utility giving details of the execution 
parameters, summary information about the rows in the DB2 table, and 
optionally a detailed report on the contents of the table. 
The DB2 Manager table analysis utility performs the following functions: 
•  It will process and validate a series of execution parameters from a 
SYSIN file, and an SQLIN table identification parameter which will govern 
execution of the utility.  The utility will then obtain information from DB2 
about the table to be analyzed. 
•  It will scan the DB2 table, and identify whether a row has been migrated 
to DB2 Manager or not.   For each migrated row, it will optionally write an 
entry to the detailed processing report, identifying the row and its location 
in the associated Archive Manager database. 
•  At the end of processing, a summary processing report will be produced 
giving an analysis of table rows. 
JCL requirements 
The following JCL may be used to execute the utility: 