StorageTek 312564001 ユーザーズマニュアル

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DB2 Manager User Guide 
 Explanation:  An error has been received by scheduler task ‘nnn’ opening or 
reading the primary index dataset of Archive Manager database 
‘xxxx’.  ‘aa’ and ‘bb’ give the hexadecimal return and reason codes 
from the VSAM request.  The migrated row access request being 
processed by the task will be rejected. 
Action:  Refer to IBM VSAM macro documentation for an explanation of the 
return and reason codes displayed in the message.   Take the 
appropriate corrective action before re-submitting the request which 
generated the error condition. 
OTD22040   System abend ‘xxx’ intercepted – control region will attempt to 
 Explanation:  A system abend condition has occurred during scheduler operation, 
and has been intercepted by the program.   The scheduler will attempt 
to recover from this condition and continue processing normally.   
Action:  Refer to IBM documentation for an explanation of the system abend 
code displayed in the message.  If no apparent cause for the problem 
can be identifier, report the error to your StorageTek customer support 
OTD250xx – control region tape reader messages 
Messages from DB2 Manager control region tape reader tasks are written to the system 
Invalid ODRH received on entry 
 Explanation:  An invalid reader task header control block has been encountered by 
a tape reader task during initialization processing.   Reader task 
initialization will be terminated. 
Action:  This condition indicates an internal error in DB2 Manager processing.  
Retain as much information about the error as possible and report the 
problem to your local DB2 Manager support representative. 
Unable to get exclusive access to TAPEREADER resource 
 Explanation:  A tape reader task has been unable to gain exclusive access to the 
tape reader request queue within 1 minute.   Processing of the 
request continues, but request queue integrity in the DB2 Manager 
control region may have been compromised. 
Action:  Examine the system log for other abnormal messages issued by the 
DB2 Manager control region.  If there is no apparent reason for the 
failure, contact your local DB2 Manager product support 