StorageTek 312564001 ユーザーズマニュアル

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DB2 Manager User Guide 
and may improve retrieval response times.    
If this parameter is omitted, a default value of MAXDRDR=4 
will be used. 
MAXTWTR = nnn 
Requirement: Optional 
  Validation:  nnn = 1-3 digit numeric value in range 1 - 255 
Use:  The MAXTWTR parameter specifies the number of active 
tape-writer subtasks which are to created in the DB2 Manager 
control region.    
Notes:  Each execution of the DB2 Manager table migration utility will 
acquire a single tape-writer subtask.   The value of the 
MAXTWTR controls the maximum number of row migration 
jobs which may execute concurrently. 
  This setting may be varied during DB2 Manager operation via 
the 'SET MAXTWTR’ operator command. 
  If this parameter is omitted, a default value of MAXTWTR=4 
will be used. 
Requirement: Optional 
  Validation:  nnn = 1-3 digit numeric value in range 1 - 255 
Use:  The MAXSCHED parameter specifies the number of active 
scheduler subtasks which are to created in the DB2 Manager 
control region.    
Notes:  A scheduler subtask is responsible for receiving requests from 
the SQL intercept module, validating them and passing valid 
requests to the appropriate component within the DB2 
Manager control region for further processing. 
  Increasing the number of scheduler tasks will reduce the 
average length of time that it takes to assign a row storage or 
retrieval request to the appropriate subtask.  However, each