Classe Audio CA-5100 ユーザーズマニュアル

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  e touchscreen will then display the CAN-Bus devices screen, which lists 
connected Delta series components by model & serial number.
Highlighting a unit on the CAN-Bus devices screen identifi es it as the target 
. Th
  e front panel LEDs of the target unit will start fl ashing (unless you 
highlight the unit that you are using to access CAN-Bus).
Once you have chosen the target unit press select. Th
  e target unit’s LEDs will 
stop fl ashing and the touch screen will list the CAN-Bus features available to it. 
Some CAN-Bus features are shared by all models, some are specifi c to individual 
CAN-Bus shared features  Th
  e following CAN-Bus features are shared by all models.
configuration Selecting confi guration will present the CAN-Bus confi guration screen 
allowing access to name, global brightness, and global standby features. 
operate Th
 e operate settings allow you to bring the target unit in and out of standby, or 
mute. Th
  is key will be disabled for the unit whose touchscreen you are using to 
access CAN-Bus.
AC status Th
 e AC status screen displays information from the target unit’s electrical supply 
sensors. Two screens are available, with the second accessed by selecting more
status Th
 e status screen is the simplest way to access essential information about 
the target unit. It displays the target unit’s model number, software version, 
operational status and serial number.
name Allows you to set the name that this component will be listed under in the 
CAN-Bus devices screen. Th
  e name will appear next to the unit model and serial 
number, and facilitate the identifi cation of units in large systems.