Goldmund 24 ユーザーズマニュアル

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P 6
S E T T I N G   U P
T H E   M I M E S I S   2 4   U N I V E R S A L   P R E A M P L I F I E R
C H O I C E   O F   T H E   M I M E S I S   2 4   L O C AT I O N
Select a very rigid support, as required for your CD player transport.
The distance between the Mimesis 24 and the power amplifiers is usually not critical since
the signal is carried in the digital domain. However, you must use coaxial links of highest
quality such as the Goldmund Lineal in order to maintain the time accuracy of the signal. The
Goldmund Lineal cables have been designed to maintain this accuracy and are highly
recommended. For some high impedance output analogue sources, a short distance to the
Preamplifier is mandatory.
If you want to achieve the best possible sonic result, select a position on a shelf or on a piece
of furniture where the Preamplifier is isolated from vibrations of mechanical components,
including the CD transport itself.
You must also be careful to locate your Mimesis 24 in a very well ventilated location. When
powered on, the Mimesis 24, as all high quality electronic equipment, generates a significant
amount of heat, which has to be evacuated by natural ventilation. For the same reason, it is
perfectly normal that, after few hours of operation, your Mimesis 24 gets quite hot.