Nlynx 2.1.0E ユーザーズマニュアル

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Advanced Terminal Customization 
Font Install Procedure 
If DHCP options 206 – 208 are served, please start at step 2. 
1.  Set upgrade server and path on the OmniTerm: 
•  Press F2 at the Terminal Manger panel 
•  At the Terminal Properties panel, click the Upgrade tab 
•  Select the check box: Manual Upgrade 
•  Enter the FTP Server, IP address and Path where the TTF file is located 
•  Enter the User name and Password only if required 
•  Click OK on the Terminal Properties panel when finished 
•  Accept the option to restart the terminal 
2.  Force terminal to download TTF font file using the SNMPADM management tool: 
•  Discover the terminal you wish to upload the font to 
•  Right Click on the IP address(s) of the terminal 
•  Select the menu item “Messages” 
•  Enter the following string into the message box. The font file “andalemo.ttf” 
will be used for this example: 
$INSTALL FONT$ andalemo.ttf 
Important Notes: 
•  Enter the font name of your TTF file in place of the example file name 
above (andalemo.ttf) 
•  The command must be in all capital letters 
•  The file name is case sensitive and must match the case of the file on 
your FTP server 
•  Press the Send button to send the command to the terminal(s) 
•  The command instructs the terminal to download the font from the specified 
FTP server and Path 
Using The Installed Font 
The font can now be accessed by the user from within the TermPro emulation 
program. To select the font used by TermPro: 
•  Start the emulation program 
•  Click the menu item: Setting 
•  Click the menu option: Font Setup 
•  Select the font from the pull down list