Classe Audio SSP-800 ユーザーズマニュアル

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operating voltage
  e operating voltage of your SSP-800 has been factory confi gured to 100V, 
120V, 220V, 230V, or 240V AC, depending on the country in which you 
purchased it (in European Union countries, CE regulations specify 230V).
  is voltage setting is not user selectable. Ensure that the voltage 
rating on the rear panel of the SSP-800 Surround Sound Processor 
matches the AC voltage rating of your electrical outlet. If the AC 
voltage is incorrect, please contact your local authorized Classé dealer 
or distributor.
Attempting to operate your SSP-800 from an incorrect 
AC voltage rating may cause irreparable damage to your 
processor, which may not be covered by your warranty.
If you are not planning to use the Surround Sound Processor for an extended 
period of time, for example due to vacation or other travel, we suggest that you 
disconnect it from AC power.
Make certain that the Surround Sound Processor is in Standby prior 
to disconnecting it.
Physically disconnect any and all valuable electronics from AC power during 
electrical storms. A lightning strike anywhere near your home can generate a 
tremendous surge on the AC mains that can jump across a simple power switch. 
A surge from a lightning strike, which may be many thousands of volts, can 
cause serious damage to any piece of electronics, no matter how well designed 
and protected.